See my


As a student i love to build small projects and i have hosted them online. please go through them and let me know your feedback.

11. Stock Profit or Loss Checker

This app will check you Gain or Loss in your specific stock. This app is Build using React JS.

10. BirthDate Palindrome or Not

This app will check is you BirthDate is palindrome or not give it a try. This app is build using React JS.

9. Fun with triangle

This app contains many operations like Quizz related to triangle, find area of triangle etc. This app is developed using React JS, React Routing.

8. Is your Birth Date Lucky ?

This app will show you that is your Birthday is Lucky or not. This app is developed using React JS.

7. Cash Register

This app is for shop owner which will tell you how to return the remaining money to customer in less number of notes is all is developed using vanilla JS, HTML & CSS.

6. Movie Recommendation App

This app will suggest you the best movie for selected Genres. This app is developed using React JS.

5. Know Your Emoji's Emotion

This app will return you the emotions of your emoji. this app is developed using React JS.

4. Mandalorian Translator

I have created this app which can translates English to the language of Mandalorian. Give it a a try. I used vanilla JS and Online API for translations. to make it.

3. Banana Speak

This is a translator app which will convert you english sentences into minion's language. This website is developed Using Pure HTML, CSS, JS & TranslatorAPI.

2. Wann Play Car Quizz ?

This is a quizz app related to car which is developed in Using Pure JavaScript.

1. Do you know me ?

This is my first CLI app which I developed Using Pure JavaScript.